On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 23:00 +0100, Alexander Mieland wrote:
> The logrotation-thingy would be no problem. As it is now, I've already 
> the solution for this in basc. But well, this needs to copy all 
> emerge.log* to another place and chmod/chown it, so that basc can read 
> them.

What if the logs are gzipped? bzipped?  What if gcc has been rotated out
from the logs already?

> > > Perhaps we can create a little benchmark-program which will be
> > > compiled when basc was run for the first time. This could also
> > > be an idea.
> >
> > Compiling something out of portage sounds more reliable, yes. Why
> > not simply bash, so that you can reuse figures from LFS?
> how should this exactly look like?
> I would download a source-tarball of a bash-version and place it into the 
> basc-tarball. Then the ebuild should copy this bash-tarball to... yes 
> where? /etc: no, /tmp: no...?

Ehh... no.  The bash tarball that you use would simply be added to the
SRC_URI of the ebuild.  This means it would be downloaded to
${DISTFILES} on the system, just like anything else.

The ebuild can be made to do a large number of things.  For one, it
could check ${ROOT}/etc/basc for the presence of a file, let's just call
it "bash-time", for argument's sake.  If the file exists, then the
benchmarking is skipped, unless a USE flag, let's just say "benchmark"
is used, in which case, it will force a recompile of bash and a
recalculation of the bash-time (or bash unit, if you will).

Now, the ebuild could essentially mimic the process of the bash ebuild,
but ignore USE flags (since there are so few).  The CFLAGS would be
taken into account, since the ebuild is doing the compiling.  The ebuild
also calculates up the time spent in each part of decompress, configure,
make, and make install (or src_unpack, src_compile, src_install) and get
a total value.  This is then used as the bash-time.

> Or should basc do this all at the first run (download the tarball, unpack 
> it and compile it)?
> If yes, where in the directory-tree should basc do this all?

Simple.  Do it in the ebuild and let portage take care of where to do

You could even duplicate only the bash-calculation code into a
pkg_config function, so the benchmark can be re-run without
recompiling/reinstalling basc.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Operational/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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