On Wednesday 19 January 2005 23:27, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 23:00 +0100, Alexander Mieland wrote:
> > how should this exactly look like?
> >
> > I would download a source-tarball of a bash-version and place it
> > into the basc-tarball. Then the ebuild should copy this bash-tarball
> > to... yes where? /etc: no, /tmp: no...?
> Ehh... no.  The bash tarball that you use would simply be added to the
> SRC_URI of the ebuild.  This means it would be downloaded to
> ${DISTFILES} on the system, just like anything else.
> The ebuild can be made to do a large number of things.  For one, it
> could check ${ROOT}/etc/basc for the presence of a file, let's just
> call it "bash-time", for argument's sake.  If the file exists, then
> the benchmarking is skipped, unless a USE flag, let's just say
> "benchmark" is used, in which case, it will force a recompile of bash
> and a recalculation of the bash-time (or bash unit, if you will).
> Now, the ebuild could essentially mimic the process of the bash
> ebuild, but ignore USE flags (since there are so few).  The CFLAGS
> would be taken into account, since the ebuild is doing the compiling. 
> The ebuild also calculates up the time spent in each part of
> decompress, configure, make, and make install (or src_unpack,
> src_compile, src_install) and get a total value.  This is then used as
> the bash-time.

if I understand the policies and some devs correctly, this would also be 
not good, to make this all in the basc-ebuild. Or am I wrong?

And btw, I don't want to install this reference-package then (bash in 
this case). It only should be a benchmark to get an accourate 
compiletime which depends on the power of the used machine. 

> > Or should basc do this all at the first run (download the tarball,
> > unpack it and compile it)?
> > If yes, where in the directory-tree should basc do this all?
> Simple.  Do it in the ebuild and let portage take care of where to do
> it.
> You could even duplicate only the bash-calculation code into a
> pkg_config function, so the benchmark can be re-run without
> recompiling/reinstalling basc.

what speaks against it to let the client do this by himself? Perhaps 
in /var/tmp, /var/cache or in /usr/share...?

Another question:
What's about 64bit machines or sparc, mips, ppc's, ...?
Would bash compile on these arches without problems or is there a special 
version of bash needed?

http://de.gentoo-wiki.com              Alexander Mieland (aka dma147)
http://www.gentoo-stats.org             Registered Linux-User #249600
http://www.php-programs.de                        GnuGPG-ID: 209D65B5
http://www.affen-in-not.de             www.php-programs.de/dma147.asc

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