Jason S wrote:

I usually don't read to find the intent, unless trying
to figure who started something. I just don't have
time. It's much easier to just make certain words

This is an inherent flaw in some circles of society. This is also the exact kind of thing ciaranm was checking for. People who instantly see something "bad" and then freak out often cause problesm for the rest of us who would merely shrug it off.

It's similar to the wardrobe malfunction seen in the 2004 Superbowl. US society has a rather peculiar habit of labelling an exposed breast as a hideous, evil thing that should be censored immediately, while freely airing erectile dysfunction commercials every 5 minutes. The intent of Jackson and Timberlake was to surprise everyone -- unfortunately, their intent not only backfired and surprised them, but also overdid the surprise factor to everyone else watching. The intent of the erectile dysfunction commercials was to simply exploit the human desire for better sex.

Which do you think is more offensive now that the intent is known?, being surprised or being exploited? The same goes for the purpose of this topic -- the name "brainfuck" will probably surprise a few people, make a few chuckle, raise some eyebrows on others. But is it going to seriously impede the mental growth of some individual that sees it, or otherwise cause them harm? I say highly unlikely. Using our friendly, four-letter word in a more blunt statement directed as a personal attack against someone will cause far greater harm than simply seeing it in the name of a package.

Are you volunteering to be a 'intent' reader in
#gentoo? I find those harder to spot(highligher
doesn't catch them), since I'm often working on
something else.  Could use the help. :D

I'm insane enough as it is, I don't need to be driven any more so by monitoring #gentoo :)


"Such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere." --Elrond
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