On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 12:54 -0500, Aron Griffis wrote:
> I know this has been covered before, but what is the problem with
> putting files on dev.gentoo.org?  The automatic scripts should suck it
> into distfiles and portage should check mirrors before "upstream" (in
> this case dgo) first, so I'd think the load on dgo shouldn't be
> significant.

The load isn't insignificant.  That and the people providing hosting for
dgo mind quite heavily when we use dgo as a distribution point.  Add
that to the complete lack of redundancy with dgo and you have a recipe
for disaster... ;]

Think about what the load would be for, say, any KDE patches for the 4
hours between a new KDE going into the tree and the distfiles mirrors
picking up the files.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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