Evening again,

Another new developer has joined the ranks, to help out with gDesklets
and the related packages. He's called Joe Sapp, and he comes from
upstate New York, although he's currently in the middle of his 3rd year
at Pennsylvania State University studying Electrical Engineering.  He
writes that he "thoroughly enjoys working with microcontrollers and
other electrical and electromechanical hardware." He's currently
building a robotic assistant for the PSU Mars Society (a chapter of the
Internation Mars Society) and he's also involved with the university's
LUG. He also mixes music from time to time, and he writes, "occasionally
for more people than just myself". Joe's had a steady girlfriend for two
and a half years, and most of his family are on the east coast within
a six hour drive.

He says he also knows C, C++, MIPS and Freescale HC12 assembly, Perl, and
Python fairly well. Joe says that he will have quite a bit of experience
with "gEda, PiKdev, and hardware similution tools after this summer".

Contributions to the gDesklets project are regularly made by Joe in the
form of both desklets and documentation.

Anyway, please welcome Joe to the rabble^Wteam.

Another badly worded email is yours,

Tom Martin, http://dev.gentoo.org/~slarti

AMD64, net-mail, shell-tools, recruiters, vim
Gentoo Linux

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