Georgi Georgiev wrote:  [Sat Jun 11 2005, 08:39:41PM EDT]
> Oh. That would still not find the case when ppc64 comes before ppc, but
> I agree it was a quick fix.

You're right (of course).  Here's yet another try:

grep -hr --include=\*.ebuild '^KEYWORDS=' /usr/portage | perl -ne '
    s/[^[:lower:]\s\d]//g; @F = split; @S = sort @F; $sorted++ if "@F" eq "@S";
    END { printf "%d%% of ebuilds are sorted (%d/%d)\n", 100*$sorted/$., 
$sorted, $. }'

32% of ebuilds are sorted (6196/19185)


Aron Griffis
Gentoo Linux Developer

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