Donnie Berkholz posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
Tue, 14 Jun 2005 19:50:13 -0700:

> Sven Wegener wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 06:56:43PM -0400, Ned Ludd wrote:
>>>I'm in favor of this. Would you mind calling it package.autouse,
>>> or are you set on .force?
>> As Mike already wrote those names are too confusing with the automatic
>> activated USE flags. We already had some suggestions in this thread, but
>> none of them actually matched the purpose of the file. At least in my
>> opinion. use.force matches it best, but the "force" part is a quite hard
>> term. How about use.profile? Because these USE flags are activated or
>> needed by the profile.
> How about use.required, since they're required by the profile?

Watching the debate so far, I'd say use.lock sounds simplest and most
descriptive to me, with use.required a close second, only because of the
longer extension (.lock is simpler/shorter than .required).

This from the perspective of one who regularly finds himself posting
explanations of various portage workings, both on the amd64 list, and on
my ISP's own list (there's a guy who's just trying out Gentoo, coming from
FreeBSD -- he has some dev experience on FBSD, so he's potentially an
asset to both the FreeBSD herd and the amd64 arch, some time down the
road, tho he's so far not seemed to interested in the Gentoo on FBSD
stuff).  From an explainer's perspective, I agree that .force sounds a bit
harsh, but use.lock is a simple concept to explain, as is use.required,
tho the .required disturbs my aesthetic sense simply because it's too long
to be "short and simple".

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