On Wednesday 15 June 2005 20:49, Maurice van der Pot wrote:
> So I take it everybody who replied on this thread is in agreement that
> the creation of an alias (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) would be
> the best solution and that it is upto the herd to choose between
> assigning the bug to the new alias and putting the herd on the cc and
> the other way around?

Assigning to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and adding the actual fitting herd to CC is the 
elegant option, IMHO.
However we do it, we should really agree on one solution, to get more 
structure into the chaos.

> If this is introduced we need to record it somewhere. I'm not sure what
> would be the best place though.

- Topic of #gentoo-dev
- -core mail
- Developer Handbook (which really needs a section about how bugs are treated. 
I always wanted to write up a draft when I find the time...)
- Announce the existence and purpose of the alias in the GWN

 (o_  Markus Nigbur
 //\  Gentoo GNU/Linux Developer
[ ]/_ http://www.gentoo.org
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