On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 04:27:37PM -0400, Jonathan Smith wrote:
> Jan Kundrát wrote:
> > IMHO if you don't require moderators of Local Forums to accept and
> > follow same guidelines as the global moderators, you're actually against
> > the point of "Moderator as Gentoo authority".

The main problem with some of the local forums is that not everyone
there speaks English (well). That being a requirement would mean we'd
have to kick off people doing a good job just because they don't
fulfill a requirement for official Gentoo staff. That's why they were
excluded and becoming an official member is optional.

> > Same applies for current moderators. I think that it's not so hard to
> > complete the staff quiz, btw, and there shouldn't be a need for the
> > one-month-long probation for existing moderators.
> I agree that current moderatory should be greatly encouraged to take the
> quiz and become official.

I do so as well, but we cannot force it on them. If i have to choose
if someone who has done great work has to become offical and decides
to leave because of that or just stays non-offical, i'll choose the
second option.

In any case all members of the moderation staff, official or not, are
bound to our moderation guidelines anyway.

        Wernfried (amne)

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