On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 02:15:22AM +0100, Roy Marples wrote:
> As an ex site/forum admin (non Gentoo) I really have to ask what kind of
> "quality assurance" you're dealing with here.
Our current procedure is that we think quite a lot about whom to make
moderator and whom not. This procedure has never been written down, so
theoretically one of the admins _could_ make some random asshat with 4 posts
administrator as well. Writing down the procedure should keep
something from that from happening.

> Are we talking profane language or just about moving a post of "how do I
> install do xyz" to the right forum?
You may want to take a look at the current version of the forum
guide: http://curtis119.no-ip.org/forum-guide.xml
People get upset about being treated unfair pretty fast [1] and
every deleted post raises the conspiracy thread level by 1, so having
clear rules where to move a post may be more important than you
think. ;-)

[1] http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-341099.html

> And I do have to ask - what information flow? At the most, Gentoo devs
> read the forum and post there. After that, forum users have to contact
> devs via IRC or b.g.o - at best both parties have to read the forums or
> use IRC, at present people post bugs to get attention. I fail to see how
> forums can improve the "information flow" when a vast proportion of devs
> don't even read the forums.

I think it's pretty clear, b.g.o is for bugs and forums for
support. Reading forums isn't required for developers. The information
flow thingie works in both directions though. Personally i'm not
really comfortable with getting to know things the same moment a user
gets to know them, because some things are discussed on -core,
etc. Some devs may not even know us forums guys as well as we don't
know all developers - which greatly reduces the information flow as

> Maybe I'm getting old or summat, but isn't this more of a "Here's how we
> want to recruit for the forums mods" proposal rather than a "Gentoo
> Linux Enhancement Proposal"?

> Cool - here's the feedback in a nutshell.
> Thumbs up aside from once thing - why the need for a GLEP?

First we thought about sending a mail to gentoo-dev with "Hi, we wanna
be official gentoo staff as well, kthxbyebye", but that might not have
been very productive. A glep was chosen because it seems to be the
best way to change something in the organisation of Gentoo:

"We intend GLEPs to be the primary mechanisms for proposing
significant new features, for collecting community input on an issue,
and for documenting the design decisions that have gone into Gentoo
Linux. The GLEP author is responsible for building consensus within
the community and documenting dissenting opinions." [2]

[2] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/glep/glep-0001.html#what-is-a-glep

        Wernfried (amne)

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