Anders Hellgren wrote:
> BonezTheGoon: Don't know, inactive
> phong: Don't know, inactive
> pilla: Reluctant, but hasn't said he would refuse.
[snip the ones who will take it or where it's not necessary]

We're talking about 3 people in the worst case. I don't know how long
they have been inactive, so I assume we have 3 people who don't want to
take the quiz. GLEP 38 says:

"As moderators are pretty much exposed to the public (forums users, but
also used as contact person for requests that should go to the PR
department or the trustees) they need to have some knowledge about
Gentoo's internal structure as well as contact to the other developers."

I absolutely agree with this, and that's exactly what the staff quiz is
for. The quiz has 8 questions, they're all quite easy. For those
moderators who have been moderating for years, it shouldn't take longer
than 15 minutes.

One argument I heard was, that it's not the quiz which is too hard, but
people think it's not okay to force moderators to take it to continue
their work. I partly agree with this too, I know, the quiz is also (but
still not only!) bureaucracy, but looking at this thread it seems to be
much less bureaucracy compared to this discussion. To solve this
problem, it will take 3 people to spend 15 minutes on a quiz they don't
like. Or it will take many more hours to discuss it over and over again.

Sorry, but this looks a bit ridiculous to me.


Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Operational Co-Lead
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