On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 08:44 +0200, Ioannis Aslanidis wrote:
> About the language: all global mods do speak (write) English fluently.
> That is too obvious. Global Mods and Admins can take the quiz in
> English with no problem. The problem comes with our fellow
> International Forum Mods, who do not have to meet that requirement as
> they won't be doing their job in English. This means that their
> English level can be low enough, just to keep up the communication
> with the rest of the team. We also have to think that many people in
> the Gentoo Forums do not have a good English level and precisely
> *that* is the reason International Forums exist. If everyone had a
> good English level, International Forums and International Forum
> Moderators wouldn't be required, but that's not the case.

Are you even listening to me?

I have said *NUMEROUS TIMES NOW* that I agree that only *GLOBAL*
moderators should be required to take the test.

Now, allow me to point out the dead horse that you are beating.  He
doesn't like it anymore.

Thank you,

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead/QA Manager
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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