On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 10:05:49PM -0400, Alec Warner wrote:
> Recent discussion on this ML and on the portage-ml as well as
> #gentoo-portage regarding pkg_warn() and the basic concept behind it.
> We talked about adding new functionality, about adding a warning section
> to the ebuild or to the metadata.  However.  all of these tend to have
> problems.  

> The dev won't write the extra function, 
In your proposal this would be "the dev won't write the extra changelog
content" and ...

> duplication of data in pkg_{post/pre}inst, 
... "duplication of data in Changelog/pkg_post".

> mangling of metadata.xml.
I don't know what this means, but I don't think pkg_warn has this

So I don't see any advantage of putting it in the changelog. I actually
like the pkg_warn idea much better. 

So tell me again, what does your proposal solve of the problems you see
with pkg_warn?


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.gentoo.org
Creator of BiteMe!       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.kfk4ever.com

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