On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 07:36:31AM -0500, Caleb Tennis wrote:
> On Monday 08 August 2005 08:14 pm, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> > If you could bring up some specific examples, we could discuss them.
> Sure.  Qt has optional support for xkb, tablet, fontconfig, xrender, xrandr, 
> xcursor, xinerama (already a use flag), xshape, and xsm.
> I'd really hate to add 8 more use flags for those things.  I find it fairly 
> hard to believe that a user would want to, for example, configre xrender and 
> xcursor but not xrandr.
> My *thought* here is why not let the Qt ebuild rely on the base packages of 
> X, 
> and if these other packages are also installed ahead of time, then configure 
> support for them as well, but don't make them use flag deps.
> Something like:
> if xcursor is installed
>   turn on xcursor support
>   DEPEND+=xcursor
> fi
> I'm sure someone will cast me as a heretic, but I think this is much more 
> elegant than 8 more use flags.
Yep, you're a heretic. :)
How would you propose that DEPEND information make it's way up the 
portage stack, and ultimately affects the depgraph?

What you're suggesting is effectively "suggested" deps, which are a 
bit backwards considering we have "optional" deps, the 8 flags you 
dislike :)

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