On Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 09:00:19AM -0500, Kito wrote:
> Adding -dev to CC: in case someone has any meaningful input or has  
> already tackled this problem...
We do already have an application capable of doing tinderboxing for
packages. It's one of the abilities of Catalyst.

So all you would need to do is hook up your queue/control system to
call Catalyst for actually doing the build env. setup and actual build.

I've been playing with Catalyst's tinderbox myself recently, running
multiple instances on a 128-node x86 cluster (1/node). There are one or
two things I'd like to change in Catalyst, as they currently make it
slightly dangerous for your system. If for some reason an ebuild goes
wrong, the bind mounts allow it access into your core system, namely
/dev and $DISTDIR and it really hurts to have a bunch of /dev erased on
a box that you don't have quick physical access to (I toasted a few
cluster nodes due to a bug in some scripts this way, but luckily I could
force a remote reinstall).

> >Queues
> >------
I'm fully up with this idea.

> >CVS Producer
> >------------
How about using the gentoo-cvs commits mailing list?

> >Consumer (testing process)
> >--------------------------
Catalyst's tinderbox goes here. Combining it with a package cache, you
can easily test just what you need.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Home Page  : http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2
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