On 08/23/05  Nick Rout wrote:

> I am not sure how to deal with this problem.
> Lost Labyrinth is a game I am trying to write an ebuild for. I am
> stuck on downloading, which isn't very encouraging.
> The URL to download the gane is:
> http://laby.toybox.de/download15/
> which redirects to the latest version of the file (currently
> laby_1.0.1.tar.gz)
> Unfortunately the redirect results in wget naming the file:
> download2.php?fileid=15
> which is where the pain starts!
> wget does work ok if you use the -O optin like:
> wget http://laby.toybox.de/download15/ -O laby_1.0.1.tar.gz
> So, i am looking for a way to ensure that wget, when operated through
> portage, will append the -O, or I am wondering if there is a way to
> over-ride the default fetching behaviour in the ebuild itself,
> something like:
> DOWNLOAD_CMD="wget http://laby.toybox.de/download15/ -O
> laby_$(P).tar.gz"

Nope. You have three options:
a) bug upstream to fix that crap
b) use RESTRICT="fetch"
c) assuming the license permits it, repackage it


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