On Tue, 2005-30-08 at 10:46 -0400, Stephen P. Becker wrote:
> >>Shouldn't this fall under the x86 arch team rather than releng? The
> > 
> > I'm sorry, but *what* x86 arch team?
> That's the point.  Ciaran is just pointing out for the gazillionth time 
> that x86 is an unsupported arch, if you go by the standards the other 
> arches have to follow to be part of Gentoo.  When is this going to be 
> fixed?  Or, will it just be ignored until all the x86 folks get amd64 
> machines and x86 pretty much becomes irrelevant?

Stop being jealous and get a Dell dude.

Olivier CrĂȘte
Gentoo Developer
x86 Security Liaison

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