Jon Portnoy wrote:
On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 12:06:13AM -0400, Curtis Napier wrote:

I'm not an ebuild dev so I may not know enough about this situation to competantly comment on it but it seems to me that QA should have some sort of limited ability to "temporarily" take away write access to the tree until devrel has a chance to look over the evidence and come to a decision. This would fix the problem of "devrel takes to long" plus it would really help to ensure higher quality work is submitted (because ebuild devs WILL stop purposely commiting bad work if they know a QA team member can take away their write access at a moments notice for repeated violations).

The other thing that'd fix the 'devrel takes so long' problem would be if people would let devrel fix its resolution policies 8) (see recent -devrel ml thread)

It's not about devrel taking a long time. Please don't think that I was bashing devrel in any way, in fact I have great respect for the devrel members. I know what a thankless task they have taken on and the bullshit they have to put up with on an almost daily basis. Kudos to you.

We all know that devrel is a team of people that have a responsibility to investigate any claim of wrongdoing and ensure that both sides are able to make their case. Afterwards, the devrel team members have to discuss the evidence and reach a conclusion. All of this takes time no matter how streamlined the process is and in the meantime the offending dev is allowed to continue to pollute the tree unchecked.

If QA is able to "temporarily" fix the perceived problem by removing ONLY write access to the portage CVS tree until devrel is able to finish their process, overall quality will go up. Even if it is found that no QA violations were made in some cases, I would rather have a few devs "temporarily" lose their write priveledges until devrel can pass/fail them than let even one bad dev through.

Personally, I think any dev that is made a member of the QA team is made a member because the rest of the devs trust that the person knows enough about Gentoo and the way it works to actually spot quality issues. I would trust these QA devs with this "temporary" ability wholeheartedly because if any of them abuse it they will be caught and removed from the QA team and they all know it. Plus, I think the people who are currently (or used to be) members of QA are respected enough for their technical knowledge that no one should have a problem with this *unless* they are one of the devs whos quality levels are in question. (personality issues are a different subject and have nothing to do with this discussion - this is a 100% technical correctness issue)

I have seen numerous debates on this list and on -core where almost every dev agrees that *something* must be done to ensure that all of the QA mistakes in the past are not repeated. All of the proposed plans relied on peer-review or other means that would greatly increase the number of devs we would need to implement it. In this case we already have the QA team in place and simply giving them this one ability would go greatly towards solving the inherent problems in the system. No new devs required and no new teams to create. A perfect solution to an endless problem.

Gentoo can't afford to peer review every single line of code but this small thing would greatly help in catching the largest of the mistakes that are made.
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