On Saturday 17 September 2005 05:59 pm, Alec Warner wrote:
> Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > On Saturday 17 September 2005 05:28 am, Kevin F. Quinn wrote:
> >>How about if the maintainer wants wider testing, i.e. wants to move
> >>it out of package.mask and into ~arch but isn't confident it's ready
> >>yet for arch, adding a string variable to ebuilds indicating why the
> >>maintainer considers the package unstable, eg:
> >
> > i really want to get away from the idea of 'package.mask is for testing
> > packages' ... its current dual role as both masking 'testing' packages
> > and 'broken' packages is wrong imo
> >
> > we dont want to try reeducating our users to not be afraid of
> > package.mask because a lot of things in there they *should* be afraid of
> > -mike
> Why not merely add an overlay to the main tree and put the testing
> packages in the overlay.  Then instruct users to add the overlay to
> their portage settings.  Testing overlay for testing, p.mask for broken
> packages.

that does sound like a pretty quick and clean solution ... the only problem i 
would have with it is that when we move from testing to normal portage tree, 
we lose cvs history ... and we'd have to merge ChangeLogs ...
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