On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 03:48:43PM +0000, John N. Laliberte wrote:
> * "but you are taking away choice!" - If a program has both GTK2 and GTK3
> interfaces, there are many ways to allow for testing of the experimental
> interface.  For instance, package.mask with a revision number.

package.mask isn't a perfect fit  from where I sit; if it's already merged 
(say for development), but the developer has masked gtk-3, all pkgs 
that prefer gtk-3 will continue linking against it till gtk-3 is 
unmerged regardless of the masking.

Part of the reason I prefer use flags here; aside from that, use flags 
aren't features, strictly conditionals (intentionally vague) :)

> * use the proper, built in methods for this: add "=x11-libs/gtk+-1*" to
> /etc/portage/package.mask.

If merged, need to unmerge it to block any further linking to it if 
using || () deps.

Issues above aren't blockers at all, just pointing it out since it 
does have a minor downside, one that should be mentioned in any 
documentation that tells people how to migrate from gtk(N-1) to gtkN.  
There are some downsides that should probably be made clear.

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