Xavier Neys posted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, excerpted below,  on
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 19:55:40 +0100:

> Number of users subscribed to gentoo-announce: 7,988
> Total number of GETs on our home page and news feed in a *single day*: 75,302 
> from 19,240 different IPs (on Sunday 2005-10-30).

I read announce very regularly (checking it several times a day, most
days), but wouldn't show up in your announce stats.  Why?  Because I
subscribe to gmane.org's gmane.linux.gentoo.announce newsgroup.

When I subscribe to writable lists such as this one thru gmane, I also
subscribe to the main Gentoo list (and then put it on vacation or digest
mode so it's not spamming me all the time with stuff I already get thru
gmane).  With lists that will be read-only, such as announce, in my case,
there's no need to subscribe to the Gentoo version, as I won't be posting
anything to gmane that has to be authorized with Gentoo to be able to
relay thru to the list.

Also note lwn.net.  It carries GWN and all the GLSAs.  I'm guessing they
track the GLSAs thru the announce list, tho I don't know that for sure. 
If so, and the announce list starts carrying other stuff, it'll get posted
to LWN pretty quickly, as well.  LWN's both valuable enough to me that I
pay real money to subscribe, and the way I learned enough about Gentoo to
check it out.  It's also a decently recognized authority in the Linux
community.  However, none of its hits will be tracked by Gentoo.  Still,
if stuff is posted to the announce list, it'll quite likely be covered on
LWN as well.

Bottom line, then, announce has far more readers than the ones Gentoo
tracks thru its subscription list.  A wild guess, as it'd take some work
to make it anything more than that, would put it on par with the
gentoo.org front page.  It may actually get more circulation than the
front page.  (That said, as others have posted, if more news gets posted
to the front page, those unique IP counts will probably go up accordingly.
LWN and others could easily grab from there, as well.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman in

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