On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 10:06 +0100, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> I expect the average user to make a nice printout of the handbook. The 
> print version of the handbook was provided mainly on user request you 
> know. It also works a lot easier than either flipping screens to 
> links/lynx all the time or running up and down to another computer (if 
> available).

I think everyone has also missed that there *is* the ability to install
Gentoo completely offline.  I've done it before on a laptop without any
Internet access, besides doing it for QA during releases.

We do not expect the user to have a web browser, broadband, or Internet
access of any kind to perform an installation.  Using the installation
documents as an example of "requiring a web browser" is asinine.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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