Nathan L. Adams wrote:
One source:

Push that out to as many alternate sources as you like (RSS feeds,
summaries in emerge --news, forums post, etc.), but make it known that
the website is *the* source (your alternate sources should point back to

I beg to differ. The tree should be the central point because it's the only known place where all users can receive relevant information on and for each and every system they maintain right before they upgrade.
The warning and the logic that triggers its display should be part of Portage.
Sometimes, all that would need to be displayed is "run foo to fix bar" or "Please do read http://bleh _before_ you upgrade foo".

If an "Upgrade guide to foo/bar for Gentoo" is required, you need an author to write it, not extra code or an extra web site.

/  Xavier Neys
\_ Gentoo Documentation Project
/  French & Internationalisation Lead
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