7.11.2005, 9:41:04, Grobian wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 09:56:35PM +0000, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> | Then what is the point of this GLEP?  Instead, just warn people
>> | through existing intrastructure, which is cheap from an engineering
>> | perspective because everything is already there in place, and don't
>> | think of implementing all kinds of extras just to warn a user one
>> | extra time, since "trying to warn them any further becomes futile"
>> | anyway.
>> The current warning levels we have are insufficient. This GLEP proposes
>> a new system for warnings which will be far harder to accidentally
>> ignore. There are, however, limits to how far we can reasonably go
>> before we make the solution worse than the problem.

> Remember that there are packages in the tree that satisfy the preemptive
> requirement, since they simply die when trying to upgrade and a certain
> amount of prerequisites is not met.  This prevents the user from losing
> data files or making them inaccesible, while at the same pointing out
> what needs to be done and why, using a short message.

Uhm, breaking the emerge chain in *not* an alternative to this GLEP, in no
way... Leaving the rest of the upcoming rant/flame for ciaranm's pleasure. :=)

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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