19.11.2005, 1:07:40, Homer Parker wrote:

> On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 23:29 +0000, Kurt Lieber wrote:
>> There is no technical reason why any of this is necessary and it
>> doesn't
>> provide any tangible benefits that I can see.  If a user really wants
>> to
>> know someone's role within the project, they can go look it up on the
>> web
>> site.

>         I'm guessing you didn't read the logs from the council meeting where 
> it
> got stipulated that this be done. [1] I also apologize (again) for it
> hitting the list the day before it was to be voted on, and stated that
> it could wait if need be. Council seemed to be pleased with it enough to
> allow it to pass.

> [1] <http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20051013.txt>

> /me wanders off in search of his flameproof suit

Sorry, but the above does not make the thing any better than an *officially
approved* PITA. Does not really answer klieber's question at all, nor does it
answer the objections of other people expressed in this thread.


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