On Monday 21 November 2005 14:38, Alexey Chumakov wrote:
> Hi Curtis,
> First of all, thank you for the impressive new design. I really like
> it!
> Technically (@Windows XP SP2 RUS, 1024x768):
> Firefox 1.0.7 Rus -- OK
> Opera 8.5 Rus -- OK
> MSIE 6 Rus -- OK
> Some issues to discuss:
> 1. Why is the gentoo logo changed this way? From (my) designer's point
> of view, either an infinity sign or Gentoo 'g' is redundant and
> unnecessary.

This is a feature of the design by Aaron Shi (he designed it). I would 
however prefer it if the infinity sign was composed of two "o" (oh) 
characters placed to overlap eachother. Doing that would make the flow of 
the gentoo word more continuous.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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