maillog: 30/11/2005-15:16:35(-0500): Andrew Muraco types
> Mark Loeser wrote:
> >Andrew Muraco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > 
> >
> >>is a minimum. A full out doc with all the FAQ and important notes about 
> >>what needs to be recompiled (in my opinion) would be a much more through 
> >>upgrade path, ofcourse still include the einfo quick instructions. But I 
> >>think the masses of users will not be happy when they realize that 
> >>emerge -e world && emerge -e world means that they will be compiling for 
> >>the next day (or 2 or 3), so a way to block the upgrade from messing up 
> >>people that wish to keep 3.3.x as default would be a good idea.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >gcc-3.4.* will not be selected as your system compiler after merging it.  
> >The
> >old gcc profile is still valid, therefore it is kept.  Users have to
> >consciously go and change their profile to change their gcc, so nothing is
> >going to just magically break.
> >
> That makes me feel a bit more comfortable. I still think that something 
> more then an einfo warning should be provided, as its easy to overlook 
> those.

So make gcc-config produce warnings when changing the compiler.

"Switching to gcc-MAJOR.MINOR may break your system. Upgrade
instructions can be found at http://thedoc";

Trigger the message only when switching minor versions.

/\   Georgi Georgiev   /\ On-line, adj.: The idea that a human being /\
\/    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \/ should always be accessible to a computer. \/
/\ /\                                            /\

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