051130 Andrew Muraco wrote:
> I think the masses of users will not be happy when they realize
> that 'emerge -e world && emerge -e world' ...

Should that be 'emerge -e system && emerge -e world' ?

> ... means that they will be compiling for the next day or 2 or 3 ,


As one of the "masses", I am certainly disturbed at that implication.
I don't remember any such need when I upgraded 2.9.5 -> 3.x (now 3.3.6).
This is the kind of issue on which I trust the devs to do sensible things,
but do we really need to rebuild our whole systems from the ground up ?

Ordinarily, I upgrade packages individually when it seems appropriate
& never do 'emerge world' with or without '-e' or other flags;
I do 'esync' every weekend & look at what is marked as having changed.

I would very much appreciate a doc somewhere
which explains the advantages of moving to 3.4
& why a wholesale ground-up rebuild is necessary, if indeed it is.
As always, my thanks to those who do the volunteer work.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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