Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 December 2005 23:12, Petteri Räty wrote:
>>This has the side affect that the library location code is not used
>>until I code or take the logic from glibc from example.
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/bin $ checkdeps.rb subversion
>>sys-libs/db || app-office/openoffice-bin
> Unfortunately scanelf also doesn't know (nor can it know) that some libraries 
> like apr-util do not link against the libraries they need, but leave it for 
> users to link against them properly by means of the apu-config utility. As 
> such subversion could link against libldap. It does however not depend on 
> libldap, as this comes from apr-util. Perhaps this means that apr-util should 
> be fixed, but it certainly does not mean that subversion missed a dep.
> Paul

I just picked some package as an example of the output with
openoffice-bin. My understanding here is that if you link against those
libraries, it will break break binary packages because dependencies
don't say to pull in required libraries. This just means that apr-util
should be fixed.


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