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Lance Albertson wrote:
| Donnie Berkholz wrote:
|>Lance Albertson wrote:
|>| What if instead of having proj/en we did herd/en on www? Of course, that
|>| doesn't help the whole "GuideXML is hard" bit. I like the idea of using
|>| RST, but it doesn't seem very scalable at this time. Maybe, instead of
|>| that, we created some kind of development site for herds (maybe
|>| herds.g.o). Could be a place where herds put up status updates, specific
|>| docs, draft docs, etc. Once things get established on that site, docs
|>| could get moved to GDP if it were logical to do.
|>Really every herd should be either part of a project or in the process
|>of creating a new one for themselves by now. There's no excuse, since
|>the block on creating new projects disappeared.
| The question I ask is ... does every herd have a project it fits under?
| I doubt it. And if it doesn't, is it really considered a project? Or is
| that just a generic name given now? I guess a see a distinction between
| herds and projects that our current documentation url layout doesn't
| cover it well. To me, it should have its own herd/fooherd layout
| (example being www.gentoo.org/herd/en/netmon). Otherwise you're going to
| confuse our users into thinking that herds are projects when they're
| really just herds. Granted, some herds may be just a project, but I'm
| mainly after the herds that have no real project to fit under.
| I understand the block was lifted for projects, but that doesn't mean
| herds should all should fit underneath proj/.

I agree. What I meant is that herds should be grouping together to form
new projects if they don't fit in an existing one; not that they should
create one project per herd.

| I think we should open up
| a similar space just for herds.

I disagree -- they should all be able to fit into some project.

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