30.1.2006, 12:46:28, Jason Stubbs wrote:

> On Monday 30 January 2006 16:43, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 06:17:36 +0100 "Diego 'Flameeyes' Petteno"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> | Also, as repoman complain about linguas_blabla not being a valid
>> | useflags, all the linguas_* useflags should be listed in use.desc
>> No, part of the point of USE_EXPAND is that they shouldn't. This is a
>> repoman bug.

Not only repoman - see Bug 70648

> I have yet to be enlightened on any merit of USE_EXPAND is so perhaps you 
> could explain as to why there should be user-configured-yet-undocumented 
> options for ebuilds? More precisely, how should they be documented if not
> via use.desc?

Pretty much exhaustively flam^W discussed in Bug 70648 as well. LINGUAS are
not use flags, otherwise they wouldn't have to exist. Sticking this stuff
into IUSE just bloats it like hell, and as ciaranm pointed in another mail,
maintaining lists of honored LINGUAS in each ebuild it just huge maintenance
overhead with no gain...

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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