On Monday 30 January 2006 11:48, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> On Monday 30 January 2006 17:38, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > it makes a the -pv output unreadable and thus useless ... although if you
> > do something like -pvv, then the user can expect to get a lot of output
> > ...
> emerge -p is now less useless than before so it make sense for -pv to show
> lot of stuff..

not really ... you're going from basic info (-p) to a crap ton of info (-pv) 
rather than offering a middle step

incremental verbose is trivial and i'm pretty sure emerge already does it

> > of course this still doesnt address the pita maintenance issue
> Adds an extra check to do before a bump. One would expect people to look at
> what they bump..

it's a big pita, you cant make it sound trivial so stop trying

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