16.2.2006, 23:58:41, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 23:45:45 +0100 Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | OMG, stop this crap and don't waste our time. You specifically asked
> | me to do it - http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20201#c11

> No, I asked you to do it properly, not to send out one last rites email
> for something you're not going to remove.

What are you talking about? commonbox is listed as maintainer of that stuff,
it's been broken for years, you neither fixed it or bothered to remove it
from portage, nor did you at least re-assign that to maintainer-needed and
remove yourself from metadata.xml.

You asked me to send last rites, I did, noone cares about that stuff - so
will you finally punt the broken thing, instead of this pointless trolling??
Or should I CC QA on that bug, so that someone else will do it if you don't
want to?

> | Also, there wasn't exactly any flamefest so I don't know what you are
> | referring to above. You sent out a mail and noone gave a damn about
> | that stuff, should have been removed from from the tree 1 1/2 year
> | ago.

> Try looking harder next time.

That's exactly the link you provided in
http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20201#c7 so why on earth should I try
to look harder?



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