On Tuesday 28 February 2006 12:47, Patrick Lauer wrote:
> It is still optional, just enabled by default :-)
Would be enough to be criticized probably, mainly by english-speaking users 
that doesn't care of extended characters.
Although, this would follow also the direction of both Apple and Microsoft, 
the first providing, the other saying that will provide, an always-unicoded 
That is probably the way to allow an easier access to Gentoo for non-english 
speaking people, too.

> So - apart from some users maybe not wanting it, any technical reasons
> against?
I'll wait for the "clutter" comment by users and maybe devs.
I was criticized for enabling unicode forcefully on vlc because of a 
source-code bug that prevented non-unicode wxGTK to be used to build it, 
after that I'm always expecting some sort of problem :P

> > I'd be the first to be interested in having it enabled by default, tho.
> Yes, otherwise spelling your name is almost impossible :-)
That, and I'm actually trying to find time to learn Japanese :P
But time is something I don't have abundant :|

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/
Gentoo/ALT lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE

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