On Sun, 5 Mar 2006 15:29:58 -0300
"Marcelo Góes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am basically mailing this new draft on behalf of Ciaran, I just
> ok'd it :-). Please read and comment.

general comment: Maybe this is an imlementation thing, but it would be
good to list the actual DTD for the new upstream tag as the GLEP leaves
some things unclear like how often the subtags may appear or if they
support any of the metadata.dtd attributes (like version restrictions).

regarding remote-id, while the GLEP doesn't and shouldn't contain a
definite list of types itself we should create/keep a definite list of
them in cvs or so, and the GLEP seems like the proper place to define
the location of that list.


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