Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> In December last year Savannah changed their CVS from anonymous SSH to
> pserver, causing quite a few of our live CVS ebuilds to need changes.
> Back then, I opened bug #115327 listing the offending ebuilds and
> mostly all, except the GNUStep ebuilds, have now been updated for this
> change.
> However, since the GNUStep herd is void, no one has stepped up to fix
> those ebuilds - meaning we have a bunch of useless, non-functional,
> live CVS ebuilds laying around in portage, see the list below.
> Since no developer seems to have interest in fixing and maintaining
> those ebuilds, I suggest we remove them from portage. Any objections?
> Any volounteers?

A lot of ebuilds probably fall under this category, and we should figure
out how we want to handle all of them.  I say mask the GNUStep stuff for a
month or two, put something on staffing-needs saying we need someone to
maintain them, and see what happens.  You can put me down as the contact on
the staffing-needs page if you want.  I hate to see things that are useful
to our users taken from the tree, but there isn't much we can do when
there is no one to maintain them.

Mark Loeser   -   Gentoo Developer (cpp gcc-porting qa toolchain x86)
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
                  mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -   http://dev.gentoo.org/~halcy0n/

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