lnxg33k wrote:
> "The Gentoo community and its members treat one another with respect."
> News to me. I think the users do a good job helping each other.
> Developer and user relations lack some imo. Developer and Developer
> relations are worse.

Well, the intention is that we all are people and should respect each
other regardless if you are a developer or not. Even if you proposed
something I wouldn't agree with, there's no reason to (fex) go to name

Anyway, if you see someone behaving in a "wrong way", you should try to
notify him politely. There's a chance he will stop.

> At the
> end of the day though, respect is earned. It isn't doled out by policy.

I can't agree with that. I for one beleive that I have to respect
everyone. Even folks I don't like.

> The bit about retaining developer status without commit changes doesn't
> make sense. Sounds like they've been demoted to an AT. Having your
> access denied should be severe enough that any and all status held with
> Gentoo should be revoked. If there, for some reason, is a need to
> temporarily deny access until a ruling can be had, then is another story.

I'm afraid that you lack some background here, sorry.


cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth

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