On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 14:43 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Apr 2006 15:19:35 +0100 Christel Dahlskjaer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | So, from a developer pov Ciaran; if we could come up with some way of
> | keeping up to date with what you guys do (without eating up any of
> | your time or getting in your way) and then keep the masses informed,
> | would that be more attractive? Obviously making sure that information
> | is kept to a not exactly bare minimum, but presented in such a way
> | that it doesn't in any way halt progress or potential change of
> | direction? 
> If it's information on things that are fine being public but aren't
> simply because of lack of time to write them up, then that would be
> great. If it's things that're being kept quiet purposefully, however,
> then the last thing we want is to start telling people things.

Yes, I agree with that entirely. If things are being kept quiet for a
reason we will have no wish to attempt to push for these to be made
public before the decision to do so is reached by the development teams
in question. 

> | > Hence why some of us don't announce non-trivial projects on public
> | > mailing lists, and instead keep any discussion on -core and sekrit
> | > IRC channels. That's how what's now known as eselect was developed,
> | > and it turned out far nicer than the XML-laden aborted gentoo-config
> | > project precisely because of the lack of end user 'input'.
> | 
> | In more of a informative 'these are the exciting things we're doing'
> | sort of way rather than a 'tell us why you disagree' sort of way
> | maybe.
> See, that doesn't work. There's this strange notion that because we're
> open source, users somehow have a right to a) see the code, b) make
> suggestions, c) demand new features, d) get support and e) annoy other
> developers or upstream when they break something that has a knock-on
> effect of breaking an unrelated package.

I was rather unclear, I think your previous passage had me rather spot
on for what I was wanting to do. 

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