Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
* If we're looking to increase the flow of end users -> super users ->
developers, perhaps we should focus more upon improving development
tools or development documentation.

I'm a little late jumping into this and I haven't read all the threads yet, however I agree with Ciaran here. From a user who wishes to progress, this particular point is something I can relate to. Consolidating docs into a single place, getting rid of stale stuff, and updating the old would do a lot to bring users up-to-speed. By providing docs, users who wish to take the initiative can do so. Once they learn the lingo and system, they can better offer their services and it would decrease frustration on the devs part concerning ignorant (not demeaning, but fact) users.

Improving development tools helps, but also making them available where applicable. I'm thinking more along the lines of scripts located on dev spaces as applications like catalyst are already available. Stuff that normally is considered "developer only" should be opened up so that users can get a better sense of what is actually going on; this would lessen the degree of naiveness.
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