OK; just to clarify my understanding, and perhaps for anyone else
watching who saw things as muddled as I did:

1) A herd is a group of packages, no more, no less.  A package must be a
member of at least one herd (since the herd entry is mandatory in
metadata.xml, and metadata.xml is mandatory).

2) A package can belong to more than one herd.

3) A herd does not have an email address - it's not a person or group
of people so an email address is nonsensical.

4) In the first instance, a package is maintained by those listed by
maintainer entries in the package's metadata.xml

5) In the second instance, a package is maintained by the people
indicated by the package's herd entry or entries
at /gentoo/misc/herds.xml

6) The herd entry may specify directly a list of maintainers with
optional roles, or may refer to projects or other herds to locate

Another way of looking at it; herds are a mechanism for locating
maintainers for packages.

Seems simple enough when written out like that - flame me if I have
it wrong :)

Kevin F. Quinn

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