On Tuesday 09 May 2006 22:49, Curtis Napier wrote:
> ps. vapier, making smart ass remarks on MY bugs and closing them without
> even consulting me first is NOT cool.

you get awfully personal awfully fast dont you

i'm assuming you're referring to Bug 131943 ... which wasnt filed by you or 
assigned to you ... looks like a general documentation bug to me

since the about page was pretty much neutered of any relevant Gentoo structure 
information, my closing of it was pretty logical

> I already put up with your homophobic bullshit on irc and these lists

well, you've clearly never met me before, so why dont you learn to keep stupid 
and uniformed remarks to yourself, k ?

> I *won't* put up with you touching my bugs when you have *NOTHING* to do
> with them. Stick to the portage tree and keep your fingers off of my bugs.
> Understood? 

you really need to get out of this mind frame of the website being "yours"

it isnt "yours", nor is it "mine"

it belongs to Gentoo
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