Kevin F. Quinn (Gentoo) wrote:
> The current solution (bail if -z,now is set in the compiler specs) is
> not one suggested by the hardened team, just need to make that clear,
> and it's not something we would encourage elsewhere. However until we
> can provide a solution for such a high-profile package we are not going
> to make a fuss.
> Our suggestion was to 'append-flags -nonow' on the server and video
> driver builds, but when a helpful user tried it, it wasn't enough -
> we simply haven't had the resource to work it out properly yet.

Oh, OK, let's argue semantics. It's suggested by a hardened user on a
bug the hardened team is CC'd on, but the team didn't say anything was
wrong with the change.

> With regards to Duncan's (non-hardened) problem, adding:
> filter-ldflags -Wl,-z,now
> to x-modular.eclass as he suggests should be fine; his issue is
> different to that with the hardened compiler in as much as he has added
> the '-Wl,-z,now' to LDFLAGS as advised by the QA message and the above
> filter will just remove it again; whereas to deal with the hardened
> compiler we need to reliably add a flag to all the relevant link
> commands (the bit that takes the effort is working out which are
> relevant).

Now I'm confused. Do you want this filter instead of the current
situation, in addition to, or what? This is exactly why I asked for a patch.


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