i am sorry of sending this mail a little bit late but i had
problem with my mail(it wasn't capable of sending blank mails)
a gentoo developer told me to send this to gentoo-dev
here is his response mail to my sugestion that now goes to
i sended the mail because it has a signature tha<t can be checked:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hey :-)
> That sounds interresting, but I'm afraid I cannot help with
> I think it might be an idea to send the mail to the
gentoo-dev mailing
> list, and get some feedback that way.
> It might be possible to implement, but I'm not sure how it
could be done.
> Best Regards
> Bjarke I. Pedersen
> mailinux skrev:
> > WARNING: this sugestion isn't directly related to bugs but
> > rather to solve common humans errors
> >
> > Gentoo is a higly customisable distribution and it's
> > instalation method doesn't help much:
> > a lot of people make error while installing,some common
> > examples are:
> > *missing a step
> > *miss spelling
> >
> > theses problems are normaly solve by the forum but only if:
> > *others forums member understand the problem
> > *the problem is very common and not to complex(there isn't a
> > lot of things to check)
> > *motivated people are there at the time he post his
> > problem(chance)
> > Another thing is that theses people could help for more
> > important things if common problem are resolved another way
> >
> > so some scripts can easely cope with theses problems
> > An example is a script that check,for a particular problem,if
> > the person has made all steps
> >
> > for example if someone hasn't the sound working:
> > -it will ask if he installed alsa or OSS
> > ->alsa
> > then it will ask the way he wanted to install
> > it(built-in,modules,userspace)
> > ->modules
> > then it will try to look if the modules are loaded
> > if not he will search if they are built,otherwise it will
> > search if the right alsa uttilities are installed,then he will
> > look if the services are started and if they are added at the
> > boot services.
> > then it will look at the volumes and then it will ask if the
> > person has connected his speakers...
> >
> > Acc?dez au courrier ?lectronique de La Poste :
www.laposte.net ;
> > 3615 LAPOSTENET (0,34 ?/mn) ; t?l : 08 92 68 13 50 (0,34?/mn)
> >
> >
> >
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iD8DBQFER2LJO+Ewtpi9rLERAujTAKCUkPYi2yuskp+/iovk2/Ia2Kbt5gCeKf70
> ExA8uR+OLUz0TeY/+wY9rcE=
> =dx+T

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