Stephen P. Becker wrote:
> Brian Harring wrote:

>> Pkgcore is external, and will be making a run for official also- 
>> granted, easier to just state "you're just trying to screw with 
>> ciaranm" to disprove it (rather then arguing the points).
> Arguing the points aren't the issue.  I just have a strong suspicion
> that the official requirement is an anti-Ciaranm measure, particularly
> considering that there is a huge contingent of people who would rather
> die in a fire than let him back onto the developer team in order to make
> paludis official.

Yet a suspicion isn't necessarily a fact nor true. There's a good chance
that part of the issue is that, but to constantly bring up this fact
only enforces it. People have the right to have an opinion with the
people they may have to deal with. This is true for any package manager
alternative, paludis just has people with more of a history that people
know about than others. Please stop assuming that everything is directed
at killing the project/people behind paludis and deal with the technical
issues at hand. I'm getting sick and tired of people like you who are
constantly bring up these non-technical topics thus pushing the issue
into oblivion.


Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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