foser wrote:
> I don't think the problem with maintainer-wanted ebuilds is that they
> are crappy, but that there is no dev willing to maintain them and ensure
> their quality over time. 'sunrise' (who came up with that name ? cheap
> asian poetry attempt) doesn't change that by adding it to an 'official'
> overlay.

The sunrise name name from Patrick Lauer and I personally really like it :)

> Instead of tackling the real problem -the lack of maintainers to deal
> with all requests- 'sunrise' is trying to create a backdoor for
> unreliable maintained stuff to enter the tree.

Please, you are confusing "overlay" and "tree" here.

And yes - I do try to tackle the real problem with this project. I am hoping
to teach quite a few people how to write ebuilds and contribute with the
overlay. I am already beeing contacted by interested people and it will
only help the situation come better. Eventually a few good recruits might
be the result of this project

Also the sunriose overlay is an attempt to solve the  unreliable maintained
problem. You see that for example today we are committing a bunch of
gcc-4.1 fixes for ebuilds that are obviously "unreliable maintained" in
gentoo. The sunrise overlay helps to fix stuff quicker and extends the
basis of people that can do maintaining work.

Please do not comment on this if you have no real improvements to make and
just fell like commenting, "flaming" it.

Kind regards,
- Stefan

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