On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 20:12 +0200, Jakub Moc wrote:
> Peper wrote:
> >>> well. A couple of examples:
> >>>
> >>> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=122500
> >> And again, you use my project of an example.  Perhaps you should try
> >> looking at something that actually supports your argument?
> > 
> > I think it's an example of how user-friendly is bugzilla...
> Yeah, exactly... I don't understand where did this idea of me using
> someone else's own project against himself came from in the first place.
> *confused*
> I've merely posted a few examples illustrating that bugzilla and
> attachments suck big time for new ebuilds' development. Or, why did you
> switch vmware-server work to SVN if bugzilla is *the* place for all
> this? Apparently it's not all that great, otherwise you wouldn't have
> done that.

#1.  *I* (as the vmware team) didn't do it, the (then) user who posted
the package did
#2.  We also built it up as the entire vmware overlay... it had little
to do with any limitations in bugzilla, and more to do with my
already-established desires to make maintaining vmware-* easier

This really is a case of you not knowing what the actual facts were in
regards to the situation, yet pointing it out as some kind of
corroborating evidence for your argument.  This is definitely not the

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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