excerpted below, on  Tue, 13 Jun 2006 03:27:28 +0200:

> Alec Warner wrote:
>> I prefer gentoo-x86, although others hate that x86-centric moniker ;)
> ebuilds' tree could be ok (now after the transgender cow Larry we greet
> the transgenic fruits that grown on trees but have to be herded: the
> Ebuilds!)
> Ok, I should not post after midnight, local time...

I don't know... the idea seems to fit in perfectly with the idiosyncratic
Larry the cow, the mystery of the UFO guy, etc.  Come up with some sort of
tree graphic and the next step is a wallpaper with Larry under the tree,
and the UFO guy in the background... and the Gentoo logo, of course!  =8^)
Something like that would be great to run at the various conference Gentoo
booths, and I can envision myself running it as well.

To the topic at hand, however...  IMO, we need to choose a name, or rather
two of them, that address and make unambiguous the difference between the
overall package manager tree (including all the overlays and multiple
repositories that may exist on a local instance), and the official Gentoo
tree (which Alec referred to as gentoo-x86, correct if not now accurate,
due to history).  Disambiguating between the two should prove very
useful/helpful/dis-confusing, and choosing names that are clear both to
users and devs (unlike gentoo-x86, which can be quite confusing to a user)
will reduce confusion on bugzilla and the like, as well.

Unfortunately, I don't have any good suggestions, but I'm sure others can
come up with some.  =8^)

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