On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 20:14 -0400, Daniel Ostrow wrote:
> One thing I do ask...Lets all start now getting used to calling the
> "portage tree" something different. I'm all for terms like "the tree" or
> "the ebuild tree" or "the package tree" but at this point, given the
> prompting subject matter, the idea of it being a tree which belongs to
> portage seems outdated. This may seem like a small thing (like the teams
> vs. herds argument that has been brought up countless times before) but
> it is the silly little things like this that really do lower the mental
> bar for new and exciting things to happen.

I suggest we start calling it "Larry's tree" and be done with it.

Also, I am definitely for having an actual written standard for what
defines an ebuild.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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