Peter wrote:
On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:59:12 -0400, Alec Warner wrote:

Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:

On Wednesday 14 June 2006 14:42, Alec Warner wrote:

* autouse (use.defaults) has been deprecated by specifying USE_ORDER in
make.defaults.  Users may still turn this back on by specifying
USE_ORDER="env:pkg:conf:auto:defaults" in make.conf.  Interested in
figuring out what use flags were turned off?  Check out
/usr/portage/profiles/base/use.defaults and other use.defaults files
that correspond to your profile.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't make a lot of sense. use.defaults hasn't
been deprecated. The January GWN [1] specified this much more clearly.
Also checking out the use.defaults files won't tell you what was turned
off unless you have an old version to diff it against. 'emerge -uvpDN
world' will, however.

No, we didn't change the use.defaults files at all, they are the same and
will stay the same for quite some time.  However we no longer add those
use flags to the USE stack, ergo, look in use.defaults to see what could
be affecting you.  I think people already know to use newuse to see use
flag changes, but this tells them why there are changes.

The use.default file in default-linux is now empty. The one in base gives
you nothing to compare it against. Was there another file you meant?

There is no comparison, use.defaults IS the file.  Look at it.

USE Flag                        package implies USE
--------                        -------
aalib                           media-libs/aalib
acl                             sys-apps/acl
adns                            net-libs/adns
afs                             net-fs/openafs
alsa                            media-libs/alsa-lib
arts                            kde-base/arts
audiofile                       media-libs/audiofile
bash-completion                 app-shells/bash-completion

and so on. If package is installed, the corresponding flag is turned on "automatically" hence autouse. This no longer occurs in 2.1.

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