On Fri, 2006-07-28 at 12:02 +0200, Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 11:35:24AM +0200, Martin Schlemmer wrote:
> > Mike asked you repeatedly to voice your issues or concerns in relation
> > to Project Sunrise, which you failed to reply to.
> How many times are we supposed to raise our concerns about a project
> whose founders already agreed to run their project as an unofficial
> project on non-gentoo infrastructure? Did you miss the logs from the
> devrel + sunrise meeting where genstef and jokey agreed to this?

Apparently they changed their minds, as Mike did state (as well as
genstef) in that thread.

> I simply had no idea the Gentoo Council even remotely considered
> taking Project Sunrise on as an official project.

Err, I miss to comprehend above???  You saw the item on the meeting
agenda, made vague complaints, but yet did not know about this?

> > Also, I do not remember you even attending the meeting or asking to
> > speak there, so this really seems a tad unreasonable or impulsive.
> Same as above - had I known that you guys actually intended to revert
> your own ruling from the previous meeting along with the consensus
> reached on the devrel + sunrise meeting I would have been there to
> raise my concerns.

Ditto, same again as above.  I cannot see how you can state you did not
know about it when you did actually complain about re-evaluating it.

> No big deal, though. Best of luck to all of you, including the people
> behind Project Sunrise.

Do not get me wrong, the little I worked with you was not unpleasant or
anything, and I really have no need or want to see you go, but your
reasoning just do not add up.

Anyhow, good luck whichever way you choose to go.


Martin Schlemmer

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